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Update Re: MCEA Reform

September 3, 2020

The Provincial government has amended the Environmental Assessment Act and the Part 2 Order Process (PIIOR) has now changed.  Proponents are still required to place their Environmental Study Report (ESR) on the public record for 30 days; however, instead of concerns being filed with the Ministry as PIIORs, concerns are to be addressed directly to the proponent.  The  PIIOR process is reserved only if a concern(s) raised deals with aboriginal or treaty rights.

THe MEA is still waiting for Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) to clarify exactly how this new process will work.    We understand that MECP’s Regional EA Coordinators will be monitoring Class EA projects but the expectations for proponents when they consider stakeholder’s concerns are not clear at this time.   MECP has advised that further clarification will be provided; when this information is available, the MEA will present this information to its members and stakeholders in a webinar.   Please watch for upcoming announcements about webinars.

In the meantime, MECP has provided wording that is to be included in all Notices of Completion - please CLICK HERE to see the sample.