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Excess Soil Regulation
December 10, 2019
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) is pleased to inform you that it has finalized and is implementing regulatory changes that will make it safer and easier for industry to reuse more excess soil locally and to redevelop brownfield properties
The MECP have clarified rules that will reduce construction costs associated with managing and transporting excess soil, limiting the amount of soil being sent to landfill and lowering greenhouse gas emissions from the sector, while continuing to ensure strong protection of human health and the environment.
This regulatory package will come into effect on the following timing:
- Brownfields redevelopment amendments: upon filing
- Excess soil provisions related to more flexible reuse rules, waste designation and approvals and the new excess soil standards would come into effect in July 2020
- Aspects of the excess soil regulation related to sound soil management planning (e.g. sampling, tracking and registration) and the requirement related to carrying a hauling record, would come into in January 2022
- Restrictions on landfilling would come into effect in January 2025 allowing time to ensure alternate reuse approaches are available, as needed
The ministry appreciates all of the interest received on this regulatory package. For the final Decision Notice, please visit the Environmental Registry, CLICK HERE!
For additional information on the finalized regulations and associated materials, including educational materials as they are developed, please also see MECP's Excess Soil and Brownfields web-pages.